Tanate Sukonrattanamaetee
3 min readMay 15, 2019

Who “should” win in the Game Of Thrones?

If you are the GoT fans, let’s read and discuss on my analysis regarding who should be the King (or Queen) in Westeros so the GoT will have the best happy ending. Shall we start?

>>>What if Jon Snow?

Yes, the same choice as Lord Varys, the burnt. I’m 100% sure that almost everybody will totally agree on his bravery and integrity. Even the lords/knights will 100% respect him on that. With his character and prestige, he will be a beloved king and his people will support him more than anyone else … BUT… as we knew, Jon said NO. So, it will only happen if someone will be brave enough killing Daeny asap.

>>> What if Daenerys Targaryen?

With her bravery, her blood, her dragon, her justice and her armies, almost of the GoT fans in Thailand and maybe all around the world have cheered her until SS8 EP4, I guess. From now, as we’ve already known, There are too many obstacles for her to be accepted by lords/knights/people in Westeros…

One, the rumor of Jon’s blood. The better blood?

Two, the mad queen character in SS8 EP5 that will harm her prestige (and probably her breath). Ruling by fear without being loved may destroy her in real soon.

Three, she no longer trust anybody from now on. This will automatically kick all her loyal advisors/knights out. Without these guys, ruling Westeros will be her nightmare.

Wish her come back to be in normal state and “listen” to her people. Wish it is not too late…

>>> What if Tyrion Lannister?

As we know, he also has had some obstacles…

One, Not everyone respects on him. Remember that he betrayed his family.

Two, he cannot fight in any combat. His charming is decreased a little bit.

Three, the Imp, his appearance decreases his charm a little bit more.

BUT… His smart brain, his empathy and his connection to almost every governors will be the signs of a great king. Agree?

>>> What if Gendry Baratheon?

This could be the great and suitable one though.

His blood is Baratheon, the king blood. His humble character. He has Arya who can help him kill the traitors and other competitors and probably Daeny. Let’s say Jon keep his word that he doesn’t want the throne even Daeny is dead. The one last choice could be him. Gendry Baratheon, the humble guy.

>>> What if Sansa Stark?

Even she is more suitable for the warden in the North. BUT… If Daeny is killed, Jon refuse the throne to keep his word, Gendry refuse the throne because his humbleness. Then, Sansa could be the one!!! Remember? She learn many things from Little Finger, Joffrey Baratheon and Ramsey Bolton. Now she’s not the little bird but the smart eagle. The chaos won’t kill her but will be the ladder for her to protect her throne, her family and her people well enough. Agree?

Tanate Sukonrattanamaetee
Tanate Sukonrattanamaetee

Written by Tanate Sukonrattanamaetee

A Software engineer who loves reading and sharing any interesting and useful things

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